Love the skin your in!
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Friday, February 11, 2011

Love your skin this Valentine's Day & Beyond

My six expressions of love for your skin
Drink Water
When your body is properly hydrated you will look and feel better.
Water helps to clear your complexion, it flushes out toxins.Water hydrates skin,
giving it a more youthful appearance. In the winter months it becomes more of a
challenge to keep your skin hydrated, so pull out that humidifier and sleep with it on.
This will help your hair also. Don’t like to drink water then eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. They have water in them. Apply a good moisturize to your skin to help your skin's water supply.

Exfoliate your skin
Exfoliation removes dead skin cells to improve the look and feel of the skin.
This will assist in the reduction of acne and oil production if done properly.
Cleanse your skin
Cleansing the skin gently removes dirt & debris (free radicals from the skin.
It also reduces oil secretion in the skin (especially the face) and calms and
soothes the skin. Cleansing eliminates surface bacteria and removes excess
toxins from the skin.

Use sunscreen
Sunscreen acts as a barrier between your skin and the sun. When the skin is over
exposed to the sun it’s immune system shuts down, which can leave your skin open to bacteria getting inside your skin and possibly into your body. IE ( Staphylocuccus). Sunscreen blocks the burning and aging sun rays that harm our skin. African Americans should use sunscreen to keep your skin tone even. You only need 15 ( light skin) to 40 (dark skin) minutes of direct sun exposure to get your daily required amount of vitamin D.
Skin check
If you have many moles on your skin or any unusual skin lesions on your skin , go to a
dermatologist and have your skin checked. It is good practice to visit a dermatologist once a year to look at your skin. They should check everything from your scalp to the soles of your feet. What they find might save your life.
Love the skin your in
This is necessary, to love yourself. Loving who you are opens your mind to seeking wholeness if you aren’t already whole. So when I close my blog with Love the skin you’re in, I am not only speaking about your skin but to your spirit.
Happy Valentines Day!
As always” Love the skin you're in”

Milkweed Plant Sap Effective on skin Cancer

In an article from Dermatology Times, researchers in Brisbance, Australia claim the sap from the Milkweed plant has removed cancerous skin lesions from 41 out of 48 skin cancer patients. In the study there were 36 patients with a total of 48 non- melanoma lesions. They include basal cell, squamous cell and intraepidermal carcinomas. None of the patients responded to traditional treatments including surgery.

In the study that was published in the British Journal of Dermatology, it states the three types of skin cancer that the sap was tested on had the following outcome. 75% response to intraepidermal lesions, 57% response to basal cell lesions and 50% response to squamous cell lesions. There were 43% of the patients in the study that stated they had no pain. 14% complained of moderate pain and one patient reported serve short term pain.

Kimberly Carter of the British Association of Dermatologist states “ This has not been studied in a larger group of people, warns the public not to try this on your own. Exposure of the sap to mucus producing surfaces, like the eyes can result in extreme inflammation and can lead to hospitalization. The concentration of the sap varies between different plants, with high doses able to cause very severe and excessive inflammatory response. “

This is a light at the end of a dark tunnel for skin cancer patients. I would suggest signing up for one of the studies if your doctor approves,or reviewing the literature for yourself. Stay positive and proactive

In 2011 We are still loving the skin we are in.

Until next time Skinchick;-)