Hy -per-pig-men-ta-tion; Dark spots on the skin. (webster's medical dictionary) It can be a sign of a underlying medical problem. Your Esthetician will let you know if you need to consult with a Dermatologist.
There are many ways to treat this condition, from chemical peels, lightening creams, laser and microdermabrasion.One way that I help my clients is with a series of peels paired with microdermabrasion. Some of the things I tell my clients is, that they will have to allow some time for the pigmentation to be gone. The skin goes through a 6 week cycle where the new cells from stratum basale layer of the epidermis creates new skin cells that migrate up to the top layer of of epidermis.To remove the hyperpigmentated cells you have to spead up the migration process from the basale layer over several skin cycles. The first thing I do is to find out about my clients lifestyle and look into the cause of the hyperpigmentation.
Some of the causes can range from one or more of the following things:
Skin Irritation
Skin Disorders
Most of the causes that I have worked with is Acne, Sun, Trauma,Skin Disorders and Hormonally causes of pigmentation. I will often layer some of the modalities(ie: peels with or without demaplaning serums and microdermabrasion) that I use to get the results my clients want.
Depending on the severity of the clients pigmentation issues I will prep their skin, over a few months for a more agressive chemical peel to include either a TCA or Jessner peel. I am also a fan of the Obaji Medical Skin Care line which does a very good job of suppressing the Melanocyte cells that causes hyperpigmentation. I also worked with Dermed skin cosmesutical skin care line. The Dermed Skin Care line has pharmacutical grade ingredients blended with botanicals. Their line has been proven to change our clients skin for the better.
To Sum up my thoughts the key to removing hyperpigmentated cells from the skin is to exfoliate (ie: Peels, Microderm, Laser or Lightening creams), Suppress Melanocyte cells (ie: Melanin suppressors like Hydraquinon) Protection of new skin with Moisturizers with a sunblock in it and finally be patient.
I am available at www.Sparadise.biz
Love the skin you're in!
Tracey "aka" Skin Chick