The signs of summer are here, you know, the summer dresses, sandals and let’s not forget bikinis. We tend to show a lot of skin when the weather is warm. With more exposure to the sun we need to be mindful of the damage the sun is doing to our skin. That’s why I came up with my top 10 must haves for summer skin care. Let’s start with number 10.
10. Water: Our bodies are made up of 50 to 70 percent water and needs to be replenished daily. Because the sun is extremely drying and can dehydrate our bodies from the inside out, we must keep our bodies hydrated. Our skin will be moister, softer and more hydrated form a good balance of water in the body. A good way to know how much water you need is to take your body weight and divide it by two. Then divide that number by 8 and you will know how many glasses of water you need to drink daily.
For example: If person weighs 100 lbs. divide it by 2 and you get 50. Divide 50 by 8 and you get 6.25. 6.25 is how many 8 oz. glasses of water a 100 lb. person needs to drink daily to stay well hydrated.
If you are very physically active, for example you work out a lot or you have a very busy life style you should add two additional 8 oz. glasses of water to your final number to replenish the water you burn through. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated and don’t know it.
9. Blotting paper: For you those you who have oily skin like myself, blotting paper is a life saver. If you use an oil mattifier on your face, but some oil still comes out, then blotting paper will help pick up the slack. You can find the blotting paper at most cosmetic stores like Ulta and drug store s like CVS. If you are stuck without any and you are in a clean public restroom you can use a piece of the towel seat covers that are in the bathroom stall. Toilet sit covers are made from the same kind of paper as the face blotters.
To blot the oil off your face just place the paper on the area of your face that is too shiny and gently pat your face. You will see the oil on the paper. Don’t rub because you may rub off your makeup. If your makeup has worked an 8 hour day with you and you are going on to the next phase of your evening. It’s best to wash your face and apply fresh makeup, especially if you have oily skin. Your skin has dirt and pollutants mixed in with your makeup and if you apply fresh makeup on top of the old you are cross contaminating your makeup applicators, makeup and spreading dirty around on your face.
8. Body exfoliator: Now that you’re ready to show off your skin, a good exfoliating scrub will polish and shine your skin up. Exfoilating your skin gives your skin a nice healthy glow. Your skin will also feel softer and smoother to the touch. Exfoilating your skin help the skin manage the amount of dead skin cells that stay on the outermost layer of your skin. Your skin will also absorb the active ingredients faster and more efficiently, so your skin will benefit from the ingredients the most. There are many body scrubs over the counter that has a granular texture to them, which is important when exfoliating dead skin cells off. My favorite is my homemade sugar scrub.
7. Facial exfoliator: The benefits to the facial skin are the same as the skin on our body, however you have to be mindful of how coarse the exfoliator is and how frequently you exfoliate your face. The skin on the face and neck is thinner, so you have to use less pressure on it when exfoliating. It’s not recommended to use products with ground up walnut shells or apricot seeds to exfoliate your face. The texture is too coarse and can cause micro tears in your skin. If you have oily and/or sensitive skin it’s best to exfoliate no more than once a week. Everyone needs to exfoliate; you just have to choose the right kind of exfoliator and the proper frequency for your skin.
6. Skin soothing wax: Now that we ladies are baring our arms and legs we can benefit from a skin soothing wax treatment. There are many wax formulations that have ingredients that will soothe and calm the skin. For example: Azulene wax and Hemp wax are designed for sensitive skin and will sooth the skin. Waxing pulls all the hair out of the hair shaft leaving the skin feeling soft and smooth. TIP: If you are heading straight to the pool after getting waxed anywhere. Apply a sunscreen to all areas of your body that will be exposed to the sun.
5. Hydrocortisone: While we have many plans to enjoy the beautiful weather, our skin will be exposed to man potential skin irritants. Hydrocortisone with aloe vera is my favorite over the counter skin soother. It is used to help with itching, swelling and irritations from allergic skin reactions, bug bites, diaper rashes, eczema, and psoriasis. It is available over the counter and prescribed. It is recommended to speak with your physician before using this product with other medication or herbal supplements.
4. Scent free bug spray: While the good weather beckons us to stay outside, the bugs also answer the same call. Many of them will bite our skin and cause skin irritations and even allergic reactions. The traditional remedy is mosquito spray; however some of the sprays smell really bad. Thankfully there are so many scent free options or more pleasantly scented options live Avon’s soft skin spray. For decades this pleasant smelling spray has repelled some of the worst bugs that can bite and irritate our skin. There are also many new gadgets available that saves on time and fuss, like Off’s mosquito repellent clips and bracelets. These bugs can leave unattractive spots on our skin after it’s all said and done so arm yourself with a good bug repellent. There are so many other options out there to fight off the bugs.
3. Body lotion with sunscreen: While the warmer weather brings humidity in some climates that is good for the skin, when you bathe you remove the natural oils in your skin. To get the moisture back into your skin a good body lotion is key especially one with a built in sunscreen. Since you will more than likely show some skin a body lotion with a sunscreen is practical. The sunscreen will protect your skin from sunburns and discoloration. FYI: If you will be in direct sun for an extended amount of time (over 1 hour) you will need to reapply every hour especially if you are very fair skinned. I you work in the direct sun or plan to vacation in a sunny place where you will stay outside for extended periods of time then I recommend a traditional sun block with and SPF of at least 30. Yes even my African, American and Caribbean clients, our complexions can get uneven from too much sun exposure and if we have spots we are working on lighten up the sun makes the spots darker. It only takes approximately 45 mins of sun exposure for darker complexioned individuals to produce enough vitamin D and 15 to 20 minutes for fair complexioned individuals.
2. New makeup: Now that the weather is warmer our skin tone will warm up a bit also. Depending on how much sun exposure your face and neck gets, you will get a little darker in the summer months. Your makeup may not match because of this, causing you to have to buy a new shade of foundation and powder. This isn’t a bad problem to have, because every year there are new trends and colors that you can play with until you get your summer look just right. While you’re at it pick up some new colors for your eyes and lips too. Although shopping for new makeup is fun there is also a health need for this too.
Opened makeup expires: Liquid eyeliners last 3 months, cream eye shadows lasts 6 months, eye liner pencil and powder eye shadows lasts 2 years, Liquid foundation last 6 months and powders lasts 2 years. FYI: You must beware of where you are storing your opened makeup, If stored in a cool dry place like a linen closet the used makeup will last. Bathrooms are humid, hot, have lots of airborne bacteria and promotes bacteria and mold growth. This does not make the bathroom an ideal place to store your makeup. You are also transferring germs from your face when applying your makeup, therefore contaminating your makeup. Washing and drying your brushes at least twice a week is necessary to reduce the possibilities for your skin to get irritated. Finally do not share your makeup, If you can’t resist, use disposable applicators.
1. Facial moisturizer with sunscreen: Our face and neck takes a beating in the sun and a good moisturizing sunscreen is what the doctor ordered. The sun is the number 1 aging factor, especially to our face, neck and chest. Oil free, water proof sunscreens will form a barrier between the sun and your skin. No, the sunscreen in your makeup is not enough because you would have to use 7 times the amount of liquid foundation and 14 times the amount of powder foundation to get the SPF protection stated on the label of the makeup. It’s best to use an oil free light weight moisturizer with a sunscreen in it before applying your makeup. This is my recommendation for all ethnicities, I assume everyone wants to look younger longer and the sun does not discriminate, plus for darker complexioned individuals the sunscreen keeps your complexion even especially if you have dark spots you are lightening. The moisturizer will also help skin’s protective barrier, which can be compromised with too much sun exposure. TIP: When cleansing, hydrating or toning the skin on our face carry the products down to your chest. This allows those areas to age at the same rate,because you are consistently protect the same area with the same product.
These are my top 10 must have’s for summer. As always love the skin you’re in, after all it’s the only one you get.
Skinchick ‘-)
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