The history of skincare and beauty began as far back as prehistoric times. The need for skin care arouse as a necessity. Prehistoric people did not have the modern conveniences we do. Their skin was exposed to extremely rough weather conditions. Skin care for prehistoric people was closely associated with exposure to the sun, weather conditions and pain relief.
The development of skin care products was from the need to protect the skin, while working out in the elements. Farmers and fishermen exposed their skin to rough equipment and bad weather conditions causing them to need skin care products. Fast forward to today and we see that the need still exist, as many of our friends and neighbors have jobs that are hard on the skin.
It is believed by many, that Egyptians developed skin treatments for a variety of skin conditions. Some of the treatments had olive oil, dough,resin, whipped ostrich eggs, bullock's bile mixed with milk. No I'm not making this up. The Egyptians were the first to develop methods for extracting herbal & flower essences through distillation. This method is still being used today to make essential oils.
The Egyptians also developed elaborate systems for bathing.Romans & Greeks later adapted the Egyptians bathing methods. Cleopatra queen of Egypt bathed in bath oils, milk baths and fragrances.She also used clay from the Nile River mixed with herbs and essential oils for facial treatments.Around 200 AD a Greek doctor named Galen created the first cold cream. He mixed rose water, beeswax and olive oil to create his cold cream.Cold cream has being around a long time.
In the Middle Ages bathing was not a daily ritual, but fragrance oils were used by those who could afford them.Only the wealthy could afford the cost of firewood to heat their bath water. The rest of society would have to walk around dirty most of the time.Imagine the germs they lived with! You can clearly see here where skin care was sourly needed for the ones that could not bath frequently.
No one has to tell you how bathing and good hygiene promotes health and prevents disease. Now a days basic hygiene is a virtual event. We have so many options to fit any mood we are in. We sometimes forget that we are meeting an important need, because of how versatile and plentiful the products are now. From our prehistoric ancestors developing skin care products to meet a need to 2010 where we pay people to exfoliate our skin with a Microderm Machine or Chemical Peel.We've come a long way baby!!
Until next time... Love the skin you're in!
Skinchick '-)
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